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Layout containers are a set of containers designed to simplify page layouts. There are five types: Top, Left, Main, Right, and Bottom. The layout order is not affected by the coding sequence, and layout containers follow a hierarchical principle.


The layout container is a set of containers designed to simplify page layout. There are five types: Top, Left, Main, Right, and Bottom. The layout is not affected by the coding order.



  1. Top: Defaults to being sticky at the top. To avoid conflicts with Main's styles, Top does not have title or subtitle properties.
  2. Left: Positioned to the left of Main.
  3. Main: The core structure of the container and must exist. Even if it is not explicitly coded, a <Main> element will be assigned during compilation.
  4. Right: Positioned to the right of Main.
  5. Bottom: Defaults to being sticky at the bottom.


Layout inherits the basic functionality and properties of Box. For more details, refer to the Box documentation.
Layout consists of a header area and a content area:

  1. Header area: The left side is used to display summary information about the content (e.g., title, subtitle), while the right side is used for common actions.
  2. Content area: Used to place components or embedded containers that carry content, such as (Module, Form, Table, etc.).


To ensure a clear hierarchy, size restrictions are applied to the layout. You can place the most important content in Main.

TopMinimum 10px, maximum 30%Full width
LeftFull heightMinimum 10px, maximum 30%
MainMinimum 10pxMinimum 10px
RightFull heightMinimum 10px, maximum 30%
BottomMinimum 10px, maximum 30%Full width


Layout containers follow a hierarchical principle. Each layout container acts as both a child of its parent container and a parent to its child containers. Other container components can be nested inside according to the rules. Nesting is unlimited, and there is no visual style change during nesting.