Application Configuration#

The wis project supports customizing your project through a configuration file. The project's configuration file is located in the wis.config.ts file in the root directory of the project.

Configuration Options#

import type { WisConfig } from "@wisdesign/wis-plugin" const config: WisConfig = { name: "wis", browserRouter: false, libraryRegExp: /\/src\/packages/, remotes: {}, shared: [], exposes: {}, } export default config


  • Type: string
  • Default value: name in package.json
  • Required: No

Project name, used as the name when sharing resources externally.


  • Type: boolean
  • Default value: false
  • Required: No

Whether to enable browser routing. The default is hash routing.


  • Type: RegExp
  • Default value: None
  • Required: No

Useful when the project serves as a component library. When matched components use cssModule, hash values will not be automatically added.


  • Type: Record<string, string>
  • Default value: None
  • Required: No

Register dependent remote applications. For example, if you need to use the wis component library, you need to register the wis application.

export default { remotes: { wis: "" } }


Configure shared third-party libraries.

  • Type: string[] | Record<string, SharedConfig>
interface SharedConfig { singleton?: boolean; requiredVersion?: string; }
  • Default value:
{ "react": { singleton: true, }, "react-dom": { singleton: true, }, "wiscore": { singleton: true, }, }
  • Required: No


Configure modules to be exported for consumption by other projects.

  • Type: Exposes
enum Platform { PC = "pc", Mobile = "mobile", Pad = "pad", } type NormalExpose = string; interface PlatformExpose { [Platform.PC]: string; [Platform.Mobile]?: string; [Platform.Pad]?: string; } interface ClassifyRequired { default: string; } interface ClassifyOther { [key: string]: string; } type ClassifyExpose = Required<ClassifyRequired> & Omit<ClassifyOther, Platform>; interface PlatformClassifyExpose { [Platform.PC]: ClassifyExpose; [Platform.Mobile]?: ClassifyExpose; [Platform.Pad]?: ClassifyExpose; } type Exposes = { [key: string]: | NormalExpose | PlatformExpose | ClassifyExpose | PlatformClassifyExpose; };
  • Default value: None
  • Required: No
export default { exposes: { // Resource export NormalExpose "./Button": "./src/packages/Button", // Cross-platform set export PlatformExpose "./Button": { pc: "./src/packages/pc/Button", mobile: "./src/packages/mobile/Button", }, // Resource set export ClassifyExpose "./themes": { default: "./src/packages/themes/default", blue: "./src/packages/themes/blue", } // Cross-platform resource set export PlatformClassifyExpose "./themes": { pc: { default: "./src/packages/themes/pc/default", blue: "./src/packages/themes/pc/blue", }, mobile: { default: "./src/packages/themes/mobile/default", blue: "./src/packages/themes/mobile/blue", }, } }, }